Tuesday, June 28, 2011

iceland'été 2011

iceland's 23 hour daze...

unsettled daughter.

unsetted sun.

late night ridge walk.

midnight in iceland.


fairies and ferries.

church 1884.

poised power posed.

posed poised.

how i like my countries, cold butt happy.

se reveiller de lava...

hot mud.

Je marche Tu Marches Il/elle/on Marche Nous Marchons Vous Marchez ...

Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

The Goðafoss (Icelandic: waterfall of the godsor waterfall of the goði) is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Iceland.

slowing down...

nothing bites.

l'esprit d'escalier sans regret.


bye iceland.

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